So this is what happens when College starts up again and I force myself to pick a project and go somewhere with it. This is the revisioned version of Desperate Hour. A track that was originally just a test for the site that my very first critic suggested I turn into a longer song. I hit major road blocks with Clash Samba and might still post what I have while I've completely maxed out on Wayfarer's Hymn. I may still turn to Blazing Dragon to save me from my inability to finish it. The counter-melodies are proving too difficult to cut up and space apart for any new variation on the previous progressions. For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about it's as complicated as it sounds. Until then it's been a month and I figured it's only fair that I post something new. Hope you enjoy it. I like some of the new harmonizations and chords with this flute, oboe, and string ensemble piece.